If there was ever a perfect time to do a big wardrobe clear-out, its now. At the very start of spring when the days start growing longer, the air becomes warmer, and new outfit options are unlocked.
Spring cleaning is so much more than just a seasonal task – it's the perfect opportunity to reconnect with your personal style and commit to a capsule wardrobe. By decluttering your clothes, you'll not only create a more organised and functional wardrobe but make getting dressier easier and more fun.
Discover how to spring clean your wardrobe and give your personal style the much-needed makeover it deserves with this how-to guide for decluttering your clothes.

How to Declutter Your Wardrobe
Take Everything Out
Depending on how many clothes you own, spring cleaning your wardrobe might take a while. Whether it takes 20 minutes or several hours, you're going to need to remove everything before getting started. It's the only way to properly clean and declutter effectively.
If you have an overwhelming amount of clothes, try working through each section at a time, from coats to dresses to underwear. But don't start putting anything back until you've assessed every single item you own.
You'll need an empty wardrobe to thoroughly spring clean your clothes and your storage space. There's no point doing this unless you do it properly!
Start Decluttering
The first step in spring cleaning a wardrobe is to declutter with intention. Start by assessing each item based on how often it's worn and how easy it is to style. Be ruthless but practical; keep items you wear often, even if you don't love them, and declutter anything that hasn't been worn in months. Create three piles: keep, sell/donate, and scrap.
Start with the easiest clothes to declutter; the items that obviously need to be let go of. Clothes that don't fit, are beyond repair, or haven't been worn in 6 months to a year can all immediately be added to the declutter pile.
For any items you're unsure about, a try-on will help figure out what goes and what stays. If it's a struggle to style an item, consider it safe to declutter. This is an essential step for any items you're on the fence about decluttering as trying an item on will help solidify your decision either way.
There will hopefully be plenty of clothes that fit you perfectly, are worn weekly, and are fun to style. If it suits your current life and style, and is in good condition, these items can all be put to one side until they're ready to go back in the wardrobe.
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Get Cleaning
The least fun part of a wardrobe declutter is about to begin: cleaning. Having removed everything from your wardrobe, now is a good chance to get all drawers, shelves, and storage space a really good deep clean. But it's not just the wardrobe that needs care and attention, it's the clothes too.
One of the best ways to keep clothes in good condition for longer is to look after them and store them properly. After cleaning out your wardrobe and before putting anything away, mend any holes, missing bottoms, frayed hems, or split seams. Give everything that needs to be washed as wash, paying close attention to care labels.
To keep clothes smelling fresh while on the hanger, try using fresh eucalyptus or eucalyptus oil in linen sachets or potpourri. It's a natural way of keeping your clothes smelling fresh without overpowering it with fragrance, and will help repel pests too.
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Create a Wardrobe Inventory
Right after a big declutter and before putting everything back is the perfect opportunity to create a wardrobe inventory. This is one of the best tools for curating a cohesive wardrobe, maximising outfit options, and putting an end to impulse shopping.
A wardrobe inventory is simply a list of every item of clothing in your wardrobe. It typically consists of listing each item with a photograph and a few key details such as the brand, size, colour, when it was purchased, and the material it's made from. This can be created on a spreadsheet or using a wardrobe app.
Having a wardrobe inventory helps keep track of all the clothes you own, making it easier to plan outfits and create capsule wardrobes. It will not only help you to get more wear out of the clothes you already own; it will also help you make better decisions about the clothes you buy.
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Organise Into Sections
Before putting everything back into the wardrobe, consider how best to organise your clothes. A well-organised wardrobe will ensure everything stays neat and tidy, making it easier to find specific items when getting dressed.
Categorise each item by type (tops, bottoms, dresses, etc.) and then by colour or season. If you have a lot of clothes, consider storing off-season items elsewhere to prevent overcrowding in your main wardrobe. Rotating through seasonal clothing in this way helps keep your wardrobe feeling fresh and exciting to wear.
Invest in quality hangers, storage baskets, and drawer dividers to maintain order and maximise space. Sectioning off items in this way will ensure they won't get damaged or lost in the shuffle when getting dressed.
Take note of any wardrobe gaps and make a wardrobe wish list of items you want or need to replace. This will help guide your future purchases and prevent impulse buying that contributes to a cluttered wardrobe.
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Sell or Donate Items
Now is the time to finally get rid of any items you no longer want. Consider selling on Vinted before donating, as this is a more sustainable way of decluttering unwanted clothes. It puts them directly into the hands of the person who wants them rather than passing the problem onto a thrift store.
Items need to be in good condition to make it worthwhile selling or donating them. Thrift stores can't sell tatty or worn out clothing, and nobody will want to buy them on reselling apps. Any clothes that show significant wear and tear should be turned into scrap cloth or taken to a textile recycling point.
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Embrace Sustainable Shopping Habits
As you refresh your wardrobe for spring, consider creating a capsule wardrobe with personal style goals that help support a more sustainable approach to fashion. Learn how to thrift for clothes and which items to always buy second-hand. Not only will you save money with your eco-friendly habits, you'll have a more interesting wardrobe with outfits that reflect your unique style.
It's not just about what you buy either. It's how often you wear your clothes and how long you keep them for. Fast fashion clothing is rarely kept for longer than 35 days and worn only 5 times. By making fewer clothing purchases, thrifting more often, and wearing what you already own, your habits can create a more sustainable wardrobe.
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- How to Create a Capsule Wardrobe (That Isn't Boring!)
- The Best Tips for Thrifting Clothes
- How to Set Personal Style Goals
- The Best Brands to Thrift