Notebooks make such easy gifts that many of us end up with a stack of empty ones stowed away in desk drawers. If you want to commit to writing more, get better at tracking your goals, or challenge yourself with a creative side project, you might want to start by making the most out of your notebooks. There are several ways abandoned notebooks can be put to use, don't let them go to waste. If you're struggling to find a purpose for yours, here are a few creative ways to make use of your empty notebooks.
1. A Daily Journal
A good old fashioned daily journal for storing notes on what you did each day, how you felt, what the weather was like, future plans, goals, and ambitions. It's a nice way to document your life and be able to look back on memories and moments you might have forgotten otherwise.
2. An Ideas Book
Use a notebook to keep track of all your amazing ideas from creative side projects, blog post titles, to products or projects you want to complete. Keeping a notebook dedicated to all your ideas is a great way of staying inspired and putting your creativity to use.
3. A Skincare Journal
By monitoring your diet, lifestyle, environment, and mood, along with the products you are using; a skincare journal will help track and reveal issues that might be affecting your complexion. Learn how to make a skincare journal.
4. A List Book
Start a notebook full of lists from daily tasks to shopping lists; having a notebook dedicated just to lists is a neat way of keeping everything together all in one place for easy access.

5. A Bullet Notebook
A bullet notebook is all about productivity and is like a more advanced version of a daily planner. A bullet journal combines to-do lists with goal setting and daily, monthly, and yearly planning, and is used to track progress and increase productivity.
6. A Sketchbook
Want to get a little bit more creative? Start a sketchbook and keep it in your bag for those bored moments. A notebook for storing daily doodles and little sketches is a useful way to encourage creativity but also so you can look back at how much your skills have improved.
7. A Travel Journal
Always wanted to keep track of all those ticket stubs, mementos, leaflets, not to mention notes on what you did each day of your travels? Create a travel journal for storing details on all your adventures so you can revisit old memories.
8. A Commonplace Book
A commonplace book is a place to compile information, store ideas, quotes, anecdotes, and observations. You can use this notebook to save creative ideas, work through concepts, or simply write down things you want to remember.
9. Scrap Those Books
If you're really not going to use a notebook, pass it on to a friend or family member. If the notebook is battered or ugly, you might prefer to disassemble it by removing and turning it into a jotter for quick notes and memos. Last resort? Recycle it.
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